
The ELN LMS is short for the EnglishLab.Net Learning (Process and Content) Management System, which is part of the larger distrubuted web-based ELN VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) which consists of


the ELN GYM (runs on Moodle) gym.englishlab.net


the ELN Writing Module at writing.study-english-online.net, and


the ELN Classrooms (run on the ELN LMS 2.0) at www.elnclassrooms.eu

The ELN LMS 2.0 aka the ELN Classrooms is comprised of several password-protected modules.

The ELN Classrooms allow embedding H5P content hosted elsewhere, whereas the ELN Gym is equipped with its own H5P plugin.

This system is used for teaching LIVE online classes, during which the teacher calls her students using Skype or Zoom, and all session participants enter an ELN Classroom equipped with a LO (learning object) board, a note-taking tool (a rich-text WYSIWYG editor).

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The Dashboard View